new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

I like music, a lot!! i like listening to it all day and every day , depending on my mood it can alter from psychadelia to Garage to freakbeat ,soul, indie......well lets just say it varies a lot, and i love to hear new stuff, be it a new find on you tube or a recommended album, or just sometimes i take a punt by reading a write up in a mag or think i might like it, or i see a band live etc,etc. invariably once in a while it leads to dissapointment and there's a new album ready for the next bootfair,whatever.
Once in a while an album will arrive in the post and it turns out to be absolutely just right, this can be said of the cd that arrived in the post this very weekend by medway band The Effectives, simply called The Theme From The Effectives, now being a Kent lad myself i 'm always impressed by the sheer volume of great music that has spawned from the medway towns over the years, and has always fitted in nicely with my love of 60's psyche,garage,soul,beat,mod music, be it The Prisoners in the 80's, anything with Billy Childish connections, Buff Medways etc. over the last few years a number of newer bands have leapt out of those towns and the Effectives are one of those, lucky enough to have seen them a few times i was looking forward to hearing some recorded material and now i have, and it's bloody good, played it a lot over the weekend in the car and even bought it to work to play in the shop. So what does it sound like i hear you ask, i hate that because pigeon holing or comparing a record /band will always upset someone, but think mod revival Makin time with a bit more oomph/ Solarflares and you'd be near i guess, storming instrumentals and garage/beat soul vocal tracks with a nice amount of organ,so if thats your thing then you could do not much wrong by buying this album, Theme from the Effectives on Brand Medway label , check them out on myspace .

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