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new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Did anyone catch the name of the vocalist who sang with the Stone Foundation and Kenny Jones last night at Modstock. I know his christen name was Jim but did not catch his surname. He was bloody good.
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I have seen him in the "Jone Gang" with Kenney of course a couple of years ago.

Try a google search mine gave a name of Robert Hart but he is much older.

Agreed a brilliant singer.

Watch this 

Thanks Alec

After your email I managed to track his name down. Jim Stapely and he has a album coming out soon. Brilliant voice.

Thanks for the reply

Steve Marriot would be proud Kenny has linked up with such a partner on stage . A great performer and of course a great singer without any doubt .

Enjoyed it to the full , was just gutted that they didn't have more time to do more numbers . I could have listened to them all night .

Hi Chris

Me too what a voice. I if you put his name into google it comes up with some YouTube links. There is a great one of him singing through the grapevine just him and a guitar. What talent and a great evening.

I also typed in Jones Gang and got this


Good Luck

Thanks for that

Good tune and a nice version. God that song takes me back.

Hi Phil his name is Jim Stapley. Cheers Rob

Massive thanks to everyone who came from all corners of the World to make MODSTOCK something truly special that I won’t forget. Many thanks to the bands, deejays and fashion show models that performed magnificently. So many great moments over the four days many of which we managed to catch on film for our Modstock DVD that will be out in the near future.

A special mention for those who worked tirelessly on this production and made Modstock 2014 possible Stuart & 229 team, Carolina Pastore, Pip Pip, Ellie Eames, David Savage, Phil Lawson, Kolorz, Big Dave’s Lighthouse projections team, Doug Sturrock, Matt Bolton, Carlo Sesto, Graham Lentz, Iber Ortiz, Caspar & Kathy (A Dandy In Aspic), Adam Of London, Nicky Bubbles (Bar Italia S.C, Ramees Farooqi and Horst R Friedrichs.

Many thanks also to our sponsors Indigo Press & Mojo Magazine for their continued support.

The Modstock album, T-shirt and pins are available now in the NUTSTORE here

The next stop on the New Untouchables train is the Scarborough Mod Weekender and the Buckingham Palace Scooter Run/Timebox weekender on Whitsun bank holiday.

Tired but content, Cheers Rob Bailey

Enjoyed Modstock... Cud only get to Sat Nite-Great Event. 



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