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new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Just to let you know that this Friday, North London's Boogaloo Bunker will be moving on up in the world... that is, we'll be playing our fine blend of 60s soul and ska upstairs at the Grand Union rather than in the basement.

So, for one night only we'll be changing our name to Boogaloo BunkUP! Saucy!

And, in celebration of this change of altitude, there will be no entry fee. That's nix, nada, nowt, zero, gratis, free of charge. So, in effect, we're giving you a free pint. Sort of. Happy New Year!

The Boogaloo Bunker night in Kentish Town brings you the very best in 60's soul and R&B, ska, Two Tone and mod rock on the first Friday of every month.

A great selection of 60's films will also be shown on the big screen.

Residents Gary and John are joined this month by special guest, South London's Rex Bendon, who has been DJing and collecting vinyl since the 60's.

Boogaloo Bunker
The Grand Union
53-79 Highgate Road
9pm - late

Phone: 02074851837
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