new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Mod was a phenomenon from London and all over by 65

From a distinguished mod, old Les

An education in mod .....

Fashions came and went. The mod thing started in the 50's with college boy haircuts, brown Italian suits and white macs. It was very much a London thing. Real mods never wore anoraks or had scooters with fur and loads of mirrors. That's a load of bollocks - they were way behind the times. The mod thing proper was over by 1965 whatever anyone might claim - it became fashion after that. Mod fashion was a street thing. Whatever was the style there was always suits but of course lots of other stuff. There was a time when the uniform was suede or leather jackets in all colours (the good suede jackets had a leather half collar) and full length coats in the same material with white levis worn three inches above the shoe which had to be these square toed black things with a wavy sole and black socks or at a pinch dark blue. To this day I won't wear any socks bar black. We used to have our suits made at Leslie Andrews on Deptford Broadway and they cost £64 mohair or tonik which was a f*cking lot of money then.

People were a bit more careful. I knew blokes that carried lino knives because their thinking was that having a curved blade you could properly carve someone up but it was be very unlikely that you could stab and murder them. These days they don't give a f*ck who they kill do they.

It was a good time but only because it was a time of change post war with young people having money and freedom separate from their elders for the first time really in history the music was new, exciting and constantly changing.

The 60's were good because we were the first

I got married at the end of the 60's (1970) aged almost 25 and in those days that was f*cking old to get married.

You lot got a lot more freedom today and I daresay in many ways you have a better time but you're all still c*nts

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I wouldn't worry about it too much Trevor , for somebody to not know anything about somebody and to call them a c*nt , to me they are not worth listening to . Its not what I come on here for that's for sure .  Respect is due where its due !

LOL , I think I speak for all when I thank you for the " mod education"



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