Currently we are thoroughly watching over the situation in Ukraine and trying to support the brave and unstoppable
spirit of Ukrainian nation in fight against Russian invasion by donating to the official resources provided by the
Government. NING is standing with Ukraine in this fight for freedom and independence and if you want to show your
support you can donate here.
mod roots from the mid-8Ts
after a long break again participating in the vienna sixties-,soul- & loungescene
member of the vienna beatzentrale-collective
interested in records, movies, books & comics, design, nightlife, charmin' & friendly people
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
Sylvie - Anne: Un Tour Dehors (Dorval)
Malformation: 'S Nüpferd (Columbia Austria)
The Silvery Boys: Voce Balanca Meu Coracao (RGE Discos)
Trade Martin: Moanin' (RCA Victor)
Evergreen-Blues: There's A Crowd (Mercury)
Favourite Types of Clothing
dream: original southfrench 6Ts gendarme-uniform in my size
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