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new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Adrian Hawkins
  • Male
  • Leeds, West Yorkshire
  • United Kingdom
  • February 4, 1965
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Adrian Hawkins's Friends

  • brian laidlaw
  • Jeff Shibley
  • Philip Sherwood
  • Moose The Mod.
  • John Paterson
  • Rob Bailey

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Feb 23, 2021

Profile Information

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Classic Scooterist Magazine
About Me:
56 year old Mod with 'engrained Modernism' thanks to a parentage of two former scooterists who loved the culture and music of the day. Fed a diet of Small Faces and Stax from birth, which combined with an inherant and inherited sense of good style, has resulted in the man I am today. Seeing messers Weller, Foxton and Buckler for the first and memorable time from the front of the legendary Wolverhampton Civic Hall and watching Quadrophenia every night for a week at the local cinema in 1979 only served to crystalise my passion.
My steed of choice is a maticulously restored Lambretta LI 125 Special called 'Crazy Banana'.
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
Crazy Joe's La La
East Side Story
You're The Boss
Whatcha Gonna Do
300 Pounds of Joy
Favourite Types of Clothing
The Vaults Tailors Morley
Ivy League
Favourite Shops/Sites
As above.
Scooter Community.
Favourite Club Night
Out of Time
Favourite DJs
Sean Chapman
Favourite Venue
The Parkside Tavern Leeds
Favourite Event?
Fave things about ‘The Scene’
People and music
Vespa or Lambretta or Other?
Vespa, Lambretta
Date of Birth
February 4, 1965

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At 20:19 on December 17, 2013, Moose The Mod. said…
Excellent a man after my own heart that really knows what he is talking about not like a load of the idiots that I come into contact with. It is so good to talk to you Adrian.
As for John he is pretty good on the site he is a great bloke and very diplomatic.
At 9:29 on December 17, 2013, Moose The Mod. said…
Glad to see you have met John Paterson he's a great guy.
At 9:29 on December 17, 2013, Moose The Mod. said…
Don't get me wrong I am nothing special just an old guy with lots of great memories. I found something in the 60 and loved every minute of it never wanted it to end and after 50 years it still has not ended and I hope it never does well not for a long time anyway. Look forward to meeting you. Moose.
At 9:23 on December 17, 2013, Moose The Mod. said…
Wow Adrian I do enjoy reading your comments and your thoughts. You are so right about many things. Yes lots of mods did turn into suede heads and skin heads I was a suede head, skin heads were a little to radical and violent for me, don't get me wrong i am no softy but would never want to waste money on clothes and end up fighting in them.
As for the 80s Mod revival , It never happened. What happened was a SCOOTER BOY REVIVAL. they are not Mods they are scooter boys. Big difference. and far play to them they kept scooter riding in fashion.
Have you been on the Mod generation site ? It's a great site and some great mods on there but I had to leave that site I upset so many people who thought they were Mods seemed to me if you said anything they did not want to hear then you were ganged up on by the Mod generation wolves, The only thing they know about Mod is watching Quadraphenia and trying to copy everything. There idea of Mod was anything that they said it was. Why call yourself a mod if your not. Made me so angry.
At 1:01 on December 17, 2013, Moose The Mod. said…
Hi Adrian thanks for the kind words. Well I was born in Boston Lincs grew up in Putney London become a Mod when I was 13 saw that through untill the early 70s drifted into the skinhead stage untill I was 21 then moved to Northampton where I live now.
After the skinhead stage things went a bit gay ( no disrespect to any guy people ) fashion changed to New Romantics, punk etc was not at all for me. I was a Mod through and through so decided what the hell bugger fashion I was going to stay a Mod so I did and now 50 years later I am still a Mod, I live the life wear the threads and still ride the same scooter I rode in 1964. The old girl will be 50 next year. I call her Mrs Jones.
I have seen lots of things come and go but there are still many of us old original mods still about. But getting fewer every year. But no one seems to care about old original Mods anymore and there is no respect in the new Mod world for us old uns,
Also have read and seen lots of things some people call Mod and to be honest most of them are not Mod and have nothing to do with mod and I have upset many people with what I believe is Mod. It's like I have said before, Just because you wear a parka and ride a scooter does not make you a Mod. Mod is a way of life what you wear how you wear it how you act it's in everything you do.
You seem to have to right attitude to be a Mod and don't let the fact that where you are there are not many like you, there are still plenty of Mods about in fact it's now one of the biggest fashions in the world, Even though some of it I do not agree with.
Anyway Adrian sorry to go on.
All the best Arthur Moose Cuthbert.
At 3:13 on July 25, 2013, John Paterson said…
At 8:22 on July 23, 2013, John Paterson said…

Cheers Adrian!



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