live in Lancashire, for me it's about the music and clothes, not so much the scooters, Like sixties bands motown, r&b, freakbeat, psych, before it gets too fuzzy.
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
Fallen Leaves - Trouble
jimmy Hughes - neighbour neighbour
The Small Faces- feeling lonely
The eyes- immediate pleasure
The Creation,The Birds, Yardbirds,The Action, The Attack. Too many great bands and songs to pick only 5.
Favourite Types of Clothing
Trousers-check, stripe, love knitwear,polo's, roll necks, long sleeved knitted polo shirts, Suede shoes and boots, Chelsea boots, loafers,love shoes.
Favourite Shops/Sites
Dapper or
Adams of London
DNA Groove
Art Gallery
Favourite Club Night
Don't get out to a specific night, young family but get out as often as possible
United Kingdom
Profile Information:
jimmy Hughes - neighbour neighbour
The Small Faces- feeling lonely
The eyes- immediate pleasure
The Creation,The Birds, Yardbirds,The Action, The Attack. Too many great bands and songs to pick only 5.
Adams of London
DNA Groove
Art Gallery
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