Ageing german mod despite now living in the middle of nowhere still trying to take part in many MOD events. Never thought being fascinated for so long with all things mod when I started with it in the middle of the eighties! Unhealthy obsession for scooters.
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
All or nothing small Faces
Wrist job Humble Pie
Lost in sound Fay Hallam & the Bongolian
Misery Aunt Nellie
Where would I go Barbara Acklin
Favourite Types of Clothing
A three buttoned good fitting suit - I am an early sixties man regarding my style and I´m a late sixties man by birth...
Favourite Shops/Sites, Adams of London and Yalys in Mui Ne, Vietnam ;o)
John Paterson
Your welcome Michael!!
Jan 23, 2014