
, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me:
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
The Human Expression - Optical Sound.
The Galaxies IV - Don't Lose Your Mind.
Les Fleur De Lys - Circles.
The Gruesomes - Hipnotyzed.
The Nazz - Open My Eyes.
Favourite Types of Clothing
60's mainly. Nice dresses and shoes.
Favourite Shops/Sites
Vintages really, many around Camden, Mint, Charitys of course, Vintage fairs. eBay definatly. :)
Favourite Club Night
Favourite DJs
Favourite Venue
Favourite Event?
Fave things about ‘The Scene’
Music, Clothes, People.
Vespa or Lambretta or Other?

Comment Wall:

  • new untouchables

    Hiya Dom, welcome abaord and please feel free to add some tunes, pix and vidz etc
    Make yourself at home
  • Johnny Singles

    Alright. Thanks for the add n'all, always appreciated.
    How's tricks?
  • Johnny Singles

    Yeah, I'm pretty good cheers, just trying to rake together the last bit of cash for lbb.