Richard "Dickie"


Profile Information:

About Me:
New Untouchabled since 1842
Relationship Status:
Top 5 Tunes at the Moment
so so many
Favourite Types of Clothing
colours and more colours
Favourite Shops/Sites
a lot of my faves have gone, need to find more
Favourite Club Night
all the ones i manage to get to
Favourite DJs
Rob,stevie b,speed,edu,most of the Nut's team
Favourite Venue
Epicurean lounge was cool, like the Rocket best for big weekenders
Favourite Event?
Euro Yeye
Fave things about ‘The Scene’
getting away from the norm
Vespa or Lambretta or Other?

Comment Wall:

  • new untouchables

    Howdie fella
    Bazden Here
    Glad that you found us... ha ha
    Hope all is well love to Mrs Dickie too
    welcome aboard
  • new untouchables

    When are you off to Germany fella?
  • bertie

    Hallo mate! R u stiill in England? Saturday i celebrate my at "brainwash". Come over for a good old drink up! Take care. Bertie
  • new untouchables

    Flat still on market, a few viewings, a bit slow really, will be off asap. Enjoy the snowboarding fella!
  • Lotte Darcy

    Hiya Dickie, long time no see! Reckon you and the Mrs. are going to be at LBB4?
  • thomas

    Cheers Richard!
  • Jimmy Von K

    Hello Biggus Dickus...
  • Jimmy Von K

    Not too bad mate, how's your escape plans coming on?
  • Richard "Dickie"

    very slowly, put back untill the summer now as i'm on a waiting list for a big op.can't go till thats sorted out, but still can't wait to go
  • Carla

    fruitbasket james, jellyroll james, maximo clark, i hate him all the same :)
    loads of love to you and christina x

    Hi mate how are you doing and whats happening to the `gate ?