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new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Robert Nicholls is one of the originals, a true face of the London Mod scene. Although he left Britain in the early '70s he has never forgotten his time as a London Mod in the 60's and wishes to share those memories with other aged Mods (like himself) or younger people who find Mod styles interesting. Here is part of his story:

"I am in the process of writing about the time when I was a London Mod. I can claim with some justification to have been a Face. I saw musicians like Rod Stewart, the Stones, and the Who (High Numbers) in small West End clubs. Although these acts later came to fill arenas, in those days there were only a couple of dozen people in the audience. As a Mod, I focused on clothes, music and dancing as a means of socializing with peers.

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