new untouchables

21st century modernist & sixties underground music culture

Hiya Folks

Just to clear up the way in which the Ticket Code system works, as a member joins, he and she does not get the AUTO code sent on sign up (as some people may not be at all signing up just for Brighton), so instead we send out your unique codes and have been doing so since the set day and time post Modstock, so please check your email inbox as normal not your mailbox on this network. We have at times sent the codes via live-chats etc but due to time restrictions we want to make it a level playing field wherever possible. Tickets are going well and the early birds have done the correct thing and booked already.

Cheers and please have patience with us, we are trying our best :)

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Hello Dave, I have 2 tickets available for Saturday night if you (or anyone else) still need them)? Darren. Unfortunately, I am now unable to make it (gutted!)

I should have made it clear - the tickets are for Komedia on Saturday night! Darren

Hi Darren, yes please. I need 2! Let me know how to contact you

Hi Dave

Sorry, mate - I sold both of them!  As I did not hear from you last night I thought you must have managed to get tickets so went ahead and sold them. Good luck with the ticket-hunting - I really hope you are successful! D

If anyone else has 2 to to sell for Saturday, let me know!

I have one for Saturday available as we brought two from Dave, but only needed one.  Also have one for Volks on Saturday night available.

Thanks Joanne but I need 2 together for Saturday (Komedia)

I will have one (or two if they have to go together) if they are still available.  Thanks JO MORGAN

Hello Joanne, I would prefer to sell the two together. If that is ok with you I am happy to sell them to you.


Yes that's fine.  How much and how do you want me to pay? Are you on facebook?



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